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Setup Questions
How do I expand my soil puck?
Place your soil puck into a separate bowl and add ⅓ cup of warm water. Let it stand for 30 seconds as it absorbs water and expands. If you notice dry or unexpanded parts, add more water in 1 Tbsp increments until everything is moist and expanded.
Growth and Care Questions
How much water should I be adding to my plants?
How much water you add to your plants depends on what point in the grow cycle you’re at:
While your seeds are germinating, keep the soil moist by adding 2-3 Tablespoons of water whenever you start to see the soil dry out (it will get lighter in color). Keep your pot covered to help the soil retain moisture while you wait for seeds to sprout.
After your seedlings have sprouted, uncover your pot and continue to add 2-3 tablespoons of water as you see the soil begin to dry. This should be enough water to saturate the soil and have a bit run out of the bottom drainage hole.
Still unsure if your soil needs water? Use your finger to poke around the soil surface, and if the top ¼ inch is dry to the touch go ahead and add water.
How much light do my plants need to grow?
After your seedlings have sprouted, they should receive 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. A south-facing window in your home is a great location for this.
How can I tell my plants are ready to transplant?
When your plants sprout their second set of leaves, you’re ready to transplant them into your garden! Usually this happens right around 2 weeks after planting, but can take up to 3 weeks sometimes.
How do I add my plants to the garden?
Our eco-friendly plantable garden pots make it easy to add your seedlings to your garden. Follow our step-by-step transplanting guide to make sure your plants continue to thrive!
Component-related Questions
What is the soil puck made of and how do you get it so small?
The soil disc is made from 100% organic coconut coir. Coir is the fibrous husk on the outside of coconuts, and it’s one of the most common grow media for gardeners all around the world! These discs are made by compacting coir together as it dries, so it takes up very little space and is very light. When you add water to rehydrate the coconut coir, it expands back to full size!
What is the garden pot made of?
The compostable and plantable garden pot is made of 100% recycled cardboard plus a proprietary bio-based additive that helps the paper repel moisture. The additive is 100% natural - think of it as “plugging the tiny holes” in the surface of the cardboard. This keeps the pot strong while your seedlings are young, but then allows the pot to break down and compost after you transplant it into your garden!
Have a question that’s not answered here? Reach out to our knowledgeable customer service team and they’ll be happy to help you out!