These are great for cut flowers with large yellow double blooms on long stems.
For bountiful growth, select a sunny spot (6+ hours of direct sunlight) with well-drained soil.
Plant seeds in early spring. Use our grow calendar tool to find specific planting dates for your region! Plant indoors in starter pots 5–7 weeks before transplating and lightly pressing them into the soil. Transition outside (harden) for 7 days before outdoor transplant, spacing them 12–18 inches apart. Keep the soil consistently moist, but ovoid overwatering.
Apply a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer organic every 4-6 weeks for optimal growth. Deadheading (removal of old flowers) to encourage continuous flowering.
Pets and Disease
Keep an eye out for pests like aphids and address them using organic pest control methods when necessary. Here's a link to our favorite homemadeinsecticide soap recipefor plants!
Harvest these glorious double daisies for fresh or dried floral arrangements, adding a burst of color and cheer to your garden throughout the growing season.