Organic Eggplant Seeds — 'Black Beauty'
A versatile staple in Italian and Southeast Asian cuisines, eggplant can be baked, roasted, pickled, mashed or dried. Eggplant is a good source of Vitamins C, B, and K and minerals as well as fiber.
For soil, use a fertile, well-draining potting mix that’s tailored for vegetables. For best quality crop, provide full sun (6+ hours of direct sunlight per day) and consistent moisture (don’t let the topsoil become dry to the touch).
Eggplant is most commonly planted indoors in starter pots before being transplanted outdoors. Use our grow calendar tool to find specific planting dates for your region! Seed will not germinate in cool soil. Seeds germinate in 7-14 days.
Plant seeds in starter pots or trays ¼" deep, ~8-10 weeks before the desired transplant date. Transition outside (harden) for 7-14 days before outdoor transplant. Ensure weather has fully warmed, as cold weather can weaken plants. Space 18-24" apart for full-sized plants.
It is important to be mindful of over-fertilizing. Too much nitrogen often results in large, bushy plants that produce only one small set of fruit. Keep watering levels consistent to prevent ill-formed fruit.
Eggplants may be pruned and staked to keep the fruits straight, as plants may fall over once fruit begins to set.
Pests and Disease
Practice lengthy crop rotation to avoid Verticillium wilt. A 4-5 year rotation for all Solanaceae crops is recommended. Full sun and good air circulation will help prevent powdery mildew.
Fabric row covers are the recommended method of control for flea beetles and Colorado potato beetles (CPB) for newly-set transplants. Once covers are removed, regularly check undersides of leaves and crush any orange egg masses of the CPB.
Clip fruit stem with shears. Pick fruits of desired size regularly to encourage further production. The best way to gauge the time to harvest: The skin of the fruit is shiny and unwrinkled and a uniform color. As soon as the skin does not rebound to gentle pressure from your finger, it’s ripe.

Organic Eggplant Seeds — 'Black Beauty'